Also this version supports spread operator in JSX extension. Version 2.2: It supports the mixin classes of ES6 and its constructor type.Version 2.1: It gives ability to use keys as optional, lookup types have been enhanced in this type of version.Version 2.0: Here, usage of null and undefined datatypes was supported, Previously it was difficult to manage the errors with undefined and null.Version 1.8: This version allows for reference parameters from same list of parameters.Version 1.7: This version supports asynchronous programming, async await and promises.jsx and also introduced for renaming imports. jsx which is JavaScript and XML, but gets compiled at JavaScript’s end alone. Version 1.6: With 1.5 version, it already had an extension of.Version 1.5: It had an enhancement for the functionality of importing and exporting different modules.Version 1.4: Has ES6 features introduced, like declaring of variables like let and const instead of using var keyword.Version 1.3: It had an additional functionality of using the protected access modifier which only gives access to class or subclass.Version 1.1: It was 4 times faster than previous versions and was best for JavaScript projects.Here Visual Studio 2013 was made as default support for TypeScript Language. Later came the TypeScript Version 1.0 in 2014. There was TypeScript Version 0.9 release in 2013 which actually fixed the IDE issue and had additional support for generic features.

After release of 0.8 version, one of the Mexican programmer praised this language but also criticized due to absence of IDE support excluding Microsoft Visual Studio which is not available on OS X and Linux. First and foremost, TypeScript was introduced with version 0.8. We also need to know what are all the TypeScript Versions available in the market. So here as you can, version 4.1.5 which is the latest of the version is installed on our system. Now we can check the TypeScript version check. So this is how TypeScript gets installed. Step 3: Now we can setup TypeScript using nodejs.
#Check for node js mac install#
Step 2: Install nodejs and check the version of nodejs on command prompt as below.